Trina Solar, a global leading total solutions provider for solar energy, announced that the global modules shipment of 2017 was 9.0 to 9.2 GW. According to the “Top-10 Module Suppliers in 2017” ranking results published by PV-Tech, Trina Solar’s shipment of last year continued to rank No.2, and it keeps world’s largest modules supplier position as the accumulated shipment exceeded 32 GW.</p>
Changzhou, 15 September,2017 - Trina Solar Limited ("Trina Solar" or the "company"), a global leader in photovoltaic ("PV") modules, solutions, and services, has received a top rating in the latest module bankability report, published by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). After having obtained the top spot among all its industry peers in the previous 2016 report, Trina Solar has now once again been rated bankable by 100% of the banks, EPCs, consultants and industry experts participating in the BNEF survey.</p>