Multiples sites across France
CommercialThe Renault Project is the largest one ever constructed in the world for the automobile industry, with 400,000 square metres of Trina Solar solar panels, equivalent in area to 60 football pitches. 225,350 modules have been installed in all.
The photovoltaic panels are located at six production sites in France - all certified ISO 14001 - Douai, Maubeuge, Flins, Batilly, Sandouville and Cléon, especially in shipping and delivery centres and in employee car parks. The entire area of Trina Solar modules develops a total power of 59 MW and is capable of producing 52,000,000 kWh of electricity, enough to meet the needs of a city of 15,000 inhabitants for a year.
With the Trina Solar installation, Renault will cut 200 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year generated by the production of electric motors, based on the French energy mix. That is the equivalent of a combustion engined vehicle emitting on average 100 g/km travelling 550 times around the world, or a fleet of about 1,500 vehicles each travelling 15,000 kilometres per year.
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